Let’s take your Marketing to the Next Level

Grab your Marketing Plan Workbook and see how you can increase your profitability.

We show you how to build a strategic plan to successfully market and promote your business. Download our 12-page workbook if you want to put methodology behind your marketing.

Download This Workbook Now:

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“A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish”


Will this marketing plan workbook ensure your success? No. But it does provide the tools and guidance to help you craft a solid marketing plan, which is one of the most important steps you should take when trying to grow your business.

Our Marketing Plan Workbook breaks down all the components of a functioning marketing plan into easy, actionable steps you can put into practice today.

Understand & Map Out Your Entire Customer Lifecycle


Learn to identify your prospects and how to effectively reach them.


Turn prospects into leads through effective marketing & direct communication.


Convert customers into promoters who buy more from you and tell others about you.

What are you waiting for? Download your Marketing Plan Workbook now!

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Who Is Evoke Strategy?

PR + Digital Marketing Agency. Based in Tampa, Florida and serving clients across the US.

Our team is a blend of two disciplines that coalesce for strategic marketing strategies. Our strategy and metrics for PR and digital marketing provides a unique approach to successfully launching businesses. We believe in creating a strong partnership with our clients, acting as part of your team, and being a resource upon which you can rely.

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